
Legal notice
(Impressum as required by the Austrian Media Act)

Head Office
International Jet Management GmbH
Wohllebengasse 12-14
1040 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 707 8250 0
Fax: +43 1 707 8250 91

VAT ID No.: ATU57678677
Company register number: FN 242653V
EORI number: ATEOS1000004961
AOC: A-086
Jurisdiction: Vienna, Austria

Membership of Chamber
Austrian Economic Chambers/Lower Austria (Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich)

Data protection

Personal data and its use
To get in touch with us, you will provide us with personal data such as your name, address or e-mail address. These data will be stored for later processing.

Sharing of data
The data that we receive from you will not be disclosed to third parties. There is no reason to pass your personal data to someone else.

Editing and deleting data
Of course at any time, should you not wish to remain as a business contact, you have the right to demand that we delete your personal data. We undertake to delete your data on request.

Automatic removal of your data
After processing your request, your data will be deleted automatically unless we enter into an ongoing business relationship.

Photos: by kind permission of Bombardier